Compliance bond refund and landscaping contribution
Block purchasers, who have received their Certificate of Occupancy and completed their approved landscaping (Practical Completion), can apply online to receive their Compliance Bond Refund and/or Landscaping Contribution. That’s a total of $7,500!
Capital Airport Group provides a Landscaping Contribution towards the landscaping of your block if, within 18 months of settling on your block, you:
complete the landscaping of the front yard of your block; obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for your dwelling; and have confirmation from the Design Coordinator that your dwelling is compliant; and any damage to nature strips and public footpaths that occurred during construction and landscaping has been rectified.If you purchased a block directly from Capital Estate Developments you would have paid a Compliance Bond when you settled on your block. The Compliance Bond ensures the requirements of the Building Guidelines are met and that:
your dwelling complies with the plans and specifications endorsed by Capital Airport Group; your nature strip/s and public footpaths are protected during construction; and any damage to nature strips and public footpaths during construction is rectified.The Compliance Bond will be returned to you so long as your application is made within 18 months of settlement and once Practical Completion has been achieved.
To apply for your Landscaping Contribution and/or Compliance Bond Refund complete the online application form on the Building Guide page or contact Rebecca Kennedy on (02) 6175 3312.