ANU student's sculpture welcomed in Denman Prospect's growing art collection

ANU student's sculpture welcomed in Denman Prospect's growing art collection

ANU student's sculpture welcomed in Denman Prospect's growing art collection

26 February 2019

Three, bright-red, steel pieces shaped like Eucalyptus leaves are now adorning the front of the Denman Village Shops after a final-year ANU sculpture student won a competition to build her sculpture in the Molonglo Valley’s newest suburb.

Naomi Taylor Royds’ Eucalyptus Triad, the ninth piece of public art commissioned for Denman Prospect, is now complete and installed. The sculpture is inspired by the simple organic shapes of the native Eucalyptus trees that surround Canberra and Denman Prospect. It consists of three steel parts, each of which is approximately six metres high with elevated circles representing the colours of the many blossoms produced by eucalyptus trees.

“It’s been a great experience and exciting to see Eucalyptus Triad installed at Denman Prospect for all to enjoy,” said Naomi Taylor Royds. “It’s wonderful to see the sculpture standing majestically in its intended surroundings.”

Capital Airport Group managed the fabrication and installation of the sculpture with input from Ms Royds. Entrants to the sculpture design competition were encouraged to come up with a design that used durable and low maintenance materials, that would complement the suburb of Denman Prospect and its local shops. Ms Royd’s winning entry fitted the brief by designing a piece that was minimalistic, slender and allowed for heavy pedestrian traffic around the base of the sculpture.

Eucalyptus Triad is now part of Denman Prospect’s prestigious collection of art created by some of the most renowned sculptors from across the world. The entire design and development of Denman Prospect is underpinned by an absolute commitment to quality and excellence in urban design, incorporating landscaping and public art.
“At Denman Prospect, we are striving to build a community that all Canberrans can enjoy and public art is a large part of our strategy to build an unforgettable neighbourhood,” says Nick McDonald Crowley, Director of Project Delivery at Denman Prospect. “We are also committed to helping local artists. Naomi is a talented up-and-coming artist who has created just the sculpture we were looking for.”

“As an emerging artist, I’m grateful for this incredible opportunity and for the assistance and inclusion from the team at The Capital Airport Group and Austec Engineering,” said Ms Royds.

In addition to getting to see her design come to fruition, Naomi won $5000 for her winning entry.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Sweetapple, Communications Media Officer at 0455 22 77 11 or